
Musical Opposites

Musical Opposites

When I get the instruments out with the children, I hear many of them shaking/banging/scraping as fast and/or hard as they can. Does this sound familiar? I find most children love playing as loud and fast as they can although there are a few who prefer to play quietly and maybe slowly.

We can use this to our advantage when exploring sound as we can encourage the children to explore opposites in music, two examples being dynamics (loud and quiet) and tempo (speed: fast/slow)

Dynamics (loud/qu…

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Round in a Circle

Round in a circle

Some children love to move around and around, whether that be spinning on the spot or running around in a circle.  As many songs/rhymes include moving in a circle or spinning around we can use these to help explore a child’s need to spin, twirl, twist…. and also encourage those to try who wouldn’t normally choose to rotate.  So, it is worth having a collection of ‘round in a circle’ songs and rhymes that you can call on.  Here are 3 that I know the children really enjoy:

Horsey Horsey


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