
Doing music just for music!

Doing music just for music

Doing music just for music!

I’ve been asked and read lots about how music can benefit other areas of learning.  It is great that it is such an enabling subject.  I even wrote my degree dissertation back in 1998 on how music can help with the mathematical concept of pattern.

I think we sometimes miss that we should also be doing music just for the sake of doing music.  It is a great way for children to express themselves vocally; through body movements: hands: shaking, tapping, scraping, bangin…

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5 ways to use a parachute during a Music Time

5 ways to use a parachute during a music time

Do you currently use your parachute during your Music Time?  If not it's time to get it out of the cupboard; it's a great resource!  You may like to try some of these ideas:

1. Move it!

Whether you are singing a song or listening to a piece of music a parachute is great for the children to develop their sense of pulse.  This can be done by moving it up and down, in and out or from side to side. 

2. Bounce things on top

There’s no end to this with counting songs/rhymes. 

Listen to music and …

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