Hello, would you love to get more from your songs? More..
Ways to choose songs
Ways to explore old songs
Song ideas
Ways to engage the children
Ways to explore the children's ideas
How can I help?
The online training course 'The Singing Box' will take you through how to get more from your songs so that you are not always singing the same songs, in the same way, and in the same position!
Giving you great value for money with step-by-step help that is for anyone who works with children from ~2 to 5 years.
Your training will take place on this secure website with your own private login. Where you will be able to complete the online training on a device and a place that suits you: be that a smart phone, tablet or computer in a comfy arm chair or at a desk.
The Singing Box Online Training Course includes:

We will cover...
♪ There's not just one way to use a song box!
♪ Wonderful props and instruments!
♪ How you can do more with your current songs
♪ New ideas to add to your song box
You will be able to explore songs more creatively with the children.

A Completion Certificate
PLUS when you buy the training there is the opportunity to:
- On the order page, to sign up for 1 month's FREE access to a selection of activities from 'Activity Ideas for ~2 to 5 Years' on 'Early Years Music Ideas'. After the first FREE month, the subscription will be £9.75; there's no contract, the subscription can be cancelled at any time.
What are people saying about The Singing Box online training?
How does the training work?
The training is delivered online via a website. On signing up you will be given your own login details so that you can access the training whenever and wherever you want, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It could be used during PPA time or on training days.
The training is delivered through videos, a workbook and checklists. You can download whatever you want to keep for your own use. It’s self-study, so you can do it at your own pace and you can watch the videos whenever you like, as often as you like.
The Singing Box
The Singing Box
An online training course to help you get more from your songs and rhymes.
(If you are a resident of the UK then no VAT will be added on. If you reside within the EU the applicable VAT will be added on.)
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
How do I access the training?
Very easily! As long as you have access to the internet on a device (phone, tablet or computer) you can access the training. All the training is done on a secure website. On signing up you will be allocated a username and password.
Then, click on the link for the secure website, enter your login and password that’s it you can start your training! Super easy!
- Can I share the training with colleagues?
Each training place purchased is for an individual to watch and work through.
That person CANNOT share their login details and the training material in electronic or printed format: e.g. videos, workbooks, checklists.
- Can I do the training if I run an under 5s children’s business?
Yes, the training and activity ideas you are free to use to teach young children. However, they are for your own use ONLY. THEY CANNOT BE USED FOR YOU TO TRAIN OTHERS FOR FINANCIAL GAIN OR BE ADDED TO A FRANCHISE CURRICULUM.
I'm worried about entering my payment details online, how do I know it is safe?
My website is secure as can be seen by the padlock symbol in the address bar:
All payments are done securely through Stripe; your payment details are never disclosed.
If I change my mind after purchase, can I get a refund?
This is a digital product and is delivered immediately after purchase and therefore under UK law doesn't fall under the 14 day 'cooling off' period. This means that you won't get a refund
Will the training show demonstrations with groups of children?
Sorry no, for child protection reasons this is not possible.
How long will the training take to complete?
There are around 2 hours and 31 minutes of bitesize videos included in the training. It will vary from person to person and it is self-study so that you can work at a pace that suits you.
A little about me…
I started teaching music to the under 5s in 1998 as a qualified primary teacher and was also the school Music Co-ordinator. After a break from teaching, to look after my own little people, I setup Musical abc in 2008 to teach music to the under 5s. I have worked with many children and have gained and developed fun ways to help children explore music.
In 2015 I started created music training for early years professionals through ‘Music in the Early Years' and have helped over 1000 early years practitioners with music in their early years setting
Anne (B.Ed (hons))
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.